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#BreakfastDoodle Round-Up 12/5-12/11/2015

Here’s your Breakfast Doodle Round-Up for 12/5 through 12/11/2015. If you want your doodles served up daily, follow me on Instagram!

This week’s featured video, Milk and Cookies, from the Studio Moonfall Youtube page:


Todd didn't realize his new job as editor included updating the calendars for next year.

A photo posted by Donovan Scherer (@donovanscherer) on



Milk and Cookies. There's some video of this one on the Studio Moonfall YouTube channel.

A photo posted by Donovan Scherer (@donovanscherer) on


"Do we eat it?"

A photo posted by Donovan Scherer (@donovanscherer) on


Surprisingly warm.

A photo posted by Donovan Scherer (@donovanscherer) on


The Deadish always have a back up plan in case of running out of wrapping paper.

A photo posted by Donovan Scherer (@donovanscherer) on


Every year, more people die on land than in the ocean. Improve your chances of survival and go swimming today!!!

A photo posted by Donovan Scherer (@donovanscherer) on