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2017 World Tour

Convention season is here! (and it’s gonna be a long one)

This year, we’re stepping up the con game. In 2015, I doubled the number of days I did at shows. In 2016, it was about the same as the year before. I think it’s time to double up again.

What do you think? 100 days of shows for 2017? We might just be able to do it. So far, I have 64 days planned. I think we’ll get there.

However, I don’t just want to do a bunch of shows. I want to make sure the shows we’re all going out to are the best they can be. So, here’s the plan.

I’ll be doing a bit more to promote the events the organizers set up on Facebook. If you see me post them and think you’ll make, please make sure to click the little “Going” button and share it with your friends. This can turn a mediocre show into an awesome one. To make life easy, I’ve started listing all the shows that have events on the Studio Moonfall Facebook Events page. Go ahead, see if you can find one you can make it to.

I’ve also started a special sub-group inside the newsletter for people who want to receive special announcements about all the shows. I figure the main newsletter might get annoying if I’m throwing out info about shows every week, so we’ll keep this as its own thing. If you go sign up for the Studio Moonfall newsletter, just check the “Conventions & Shows” button to be added to the group. If you’re already receiving the newsletter, just reply back to one of those messages I’ve sent you and let me know that you want to join the Conventioneers 😀

And, of course, the full list of shows I have locked down are always available on the Calendar. First show of the year is Mighty Con in Milwaukee on February 11th, followed by KenoCon on the 12th. Oh yeah. That’s my birthday. Please bring cake.

Hope to see you soon!

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#BreakfastDoodle Round-Up 9/18-9/24/2015

Here’s your Breakfast Doodle Round-Up for 9/18 through 9/24/2015. If you want your doodles served up daily, follow me on Instagram!

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The Breakfast Doodle Challenge!

It’s time to begin the #BreakfastDoodle Challenge!!!

For Friday mornings, I want your help deciding what I draw at the buttcrack of dawn, so here’s the plan:

• I’ll throw out some dumb trivia thing to test your brain on monsters or zombie apocalypse or why all of mankind should be well-versed in the Army of Darkness.

For the time being, I’ll just post these on the Studio Moonfall Facebook page. But since Facebook is terrible about letting people see posts from pages (did you know only 5% of the people who like the page will see this post? Bullhockey), I’ll be moving the #BreakfastDoodle Challenge into the email newsletter, which I’m going to start sending out weekly. So, sign up now so that you’re ready to rock when the time comes –

You’ll also be getting some free Fear & Sunshine stories for signing up, including the one I’m in the process of finishing which will be out in October.

• Whoever has the best answer or is first (I don’t know. Depends on the challenge?) wins the glorious opportunity to decide what I’ll draw for Friday morning’s Breakfast Doodle. Remember, this is a kid’s show so don’t be a skeevy perv… you know who you are… 😀

• The winner will be decided on Thursdays, around 8pm Central while the Challenge lives on Facebook, probably earlier once it moves to the email newsletter.

• Once you win, I’ll contact you. You’ll need to get me your idea for something awesome (if it’s not awesome, that’s okay, too) to draw for the Friday morning Free-for-All.

• And if you want that doodle all for yourself, I’ll mail it to you so you can stick it on your fridge.

I think that’s it. If you have any questions, hit me up on Facebook or Twitter.

Off to the day job…