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#BreakfastDoodle Round-Up 9/11-9/17/2015

Here’s your Breakfast Doodle Round-Up for 9/11 through 9/17/2015. If you want your doodles served up daily, follow me on Instagram!

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My New Toy – Ricoh Theta 360

A couple weeks ago, my author pal Garrett Robinson shared a video that blew my friggin mind. It was from Vid Con in Anaheim using a crazy new camera called a Ricoh Theta. The thing takes video in 360 degrees, everything at once, so when you’re watching it on your phone’s YouTube app, you can spin around and see whatever you want.

Before I ever got into writing books, I always making dumb videos, recording them with my gigantic VHS video camera. Eventually, the stupidity evolved to recording on those little tapes, then digitally. It’s been a while since I’ve played around in video-making and that fills my heart with sadness.

But this Ricoh Theta thing, that’s a game-changer. As soon as I saw it the idea engine started revving up so I jumped on Amazon, stuck it in my shopping cart, hovered the mouse over the Buy Now button… then I stopped. I probably shouldn’t be spending money on this right now what with bills to pay and such. So, I went to bed.

The next morning, I still couldn’t get this new toy out of my head. Time to put myself at financial risk. Will it be worth it? You decide.

Welcome to YouTubesday.

(make sure to watch it in the YouTube app for the full experience!)

Aaaand if you want to get one for yourself, here you go:

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Fun with Fiction Podcast

I recently had a fun conversation about comic cons, children’s horror, and gathering the souls of readers to form an army. Click here to listen in on the Fun with Fiction podcast.

The interview is with Luke Morris, one if my internet pals that I just got to meet in person at the Mighty Con show in Dupage. He’s another indie author out there scaring kids with his work. Check out his series Cthulhu 4 Kids, a story about a super weird little dude named Milo and his playdate with everybody’s favorite tentacle-faced Old One.

C4KoverdddClick here to pick up a copy

If you’re a writer, the Fun with Fiction podcast is a good one. While it does go into the business side of things for authorpreneurism, it also talks a lot about the craft of writing. While my main influences are cartoons and PEZ, it’s cool to hear from people that read book-things.

So, check out the interview. I did drop a few too many details about some unannounced upcoming projects. Suppose I’ll have to get to work on that…